(+39) 0565.976011
From Procchio Strada Provinciale 25 località la Pila road “VIA DELL’AEROPORTO”
Scheduled bus operated by Autolinee Toscane. For information on timetables and fares visit the website: Autolinee Toscane
contact the offices Tel: 0565.1930660)
Parking lots
The airport area is private so it is possible the transit and the temporary parking of cars to accompany and to pick up passengers.
Rent a car parking, car delivery service for passengers and specify areas for long term parking are available, according with the society.
Ph. (+39) 0565 976011
Elba Servizi S.r.l.
Tel: +39 0565 977150 – Fax: +39 0565 977170
Cell: 329/6117475 – 329/6117476
Elba by Car
Tel. +39 0565 977 785
Cell. +39 329 619 74 82
Numero Verde: 800034405
Elba Rent
Cell. +39 338 718 57 35
Cell. +39 335 756 77 64
Madrugada Travel
Taglione S.r.l. “Bus Operator & Autoservizi”
Tel. +39 0565 977150
Fax +39 0565 977170
E-mail info@elbaservizi
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